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Biological and Artificial Computation: Methodologies, Neural Modeling
and Bioengineering Applications.

Granada, Spain

June 13-15, 2001

Last Call for Papers


Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Universidad de Granada


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Universidad de Málaga
Universidad de La Laguna


Spanish RIG IEEE Neural Networks Council
UK&RI Communication Chapter of IEEE.



The sixth International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, will take place in Granada (Spain) June 13-15, 2001. This biennial meeting with focus on the interplay between Neuroscience and Computation, without disciplinary boundaries, returns to Granada 10 years later of the first meeting, in 1991, with intermediate editions in Sitges, Barcelona (1993), Torremolinos, Málaga (1995) Lanzarote, Canary Islands (1997), and Alicante (1999) with a growing number of participants from more than 20 countries and with high quality papers published by Springer-Verlag (LNCS 540, 686, 930, 1240, and 1606-1607).


Under the basic idea that living beings and machines can be understood using the same experimental methodology and the same theoretical and formal tools, the interdisciplinary team of the IWANN2001 program committee recognizes as global goals the following:

I. Foundations and methodology:
Cybernetics and connectionism used for knowledge modeling and engineering implementations.
II. From artificial to natural:
Systems Theory, Electronics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to the understanding of nervous system and the cognitive processes.
III. From natural to artificial:
The understanding of nervous system and cognitive processes used for the formulation of bio-inspired models of artificial neurons and learning algorithms.
IV. Biotechnology and the man-machine relations:
Bio-inspired formulations for tasks and methods of value in the context of Medicine, Neuroscience and Technology.


Contributions on the following topics are welcome:

  1. Foundations of Connectionism.
    Brain organization principles. Connectionistic versus symbolic representations.

  2. Biophysical models of neurons.
    Ionic channels, synaptic level, neurons and circuits.

  3. Structural and functional models of neurons.
    Analogue, digital, probabilistic, Bayesian, fuzzy, object oriented and energy related formulations.

  4. Learning and other plasticity phenomena.
    Supervised, non-supervised and reinforcement algorithms. Biological mechanisms of adaptation and plasticity.

  5. Complex systems dynamics.
    Optimization, self-organization and cooperative processes. Evolutionary and genetic algorithms. Large scale neural models.

  6. Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Processes.
    Knowledge modeling. Natural language understanding. Intelligent multi-agent systems. Distributed AI.

  7. Methodology for nets design.
    Data analysis, task identification and recursive hierarchical design.

  8. Nets simulation and implementation.
    Development environments and editing tools. Implementation. Evolving hardware.

  9. Bio-inspired systems and engineering.
    Signal processing, neural prostheses, retinomorphic systems, and other neural adaptive prosthetic devices. Molecular computing.

  10. Other applications.
    Artificial vision, speech recognition, spatio-temporal planning and scheduling. Data mining. Sources separation. Applications of ANNs in Robotics, Economy, Internet, Medicine, Education and Industry.

Invited Speakers

Call for pre-organized sessions

The Program Committee is soliciting proposals for pre-organized sessions in one of the above areas or related to the previous global scope. Also, new sessions in the interdisciplinary spirit of the neurocybernetics are welcome. Prospective organizers should contact prof. J. Mira at jmira@dia.uned.es as soon as possible. Information about current pre-organized sessions and further details for prospective organizers can be found at our web site:


Actual pre-organized session organizers will benefit of a discount on registration fees.

Paper submission

The Program Committee request original papers on the above mentioned topics. Authors (no more than three co-authors recommended) must submit the camera-ready final version of papers written in English (official language of the conference), of up to 8 pages (including figures, tables and references) by two ways:

In any case, it is strongly recommended to send a compressed (zip or gzip) electronic copy (source and postscript or PDF, please include significant part of the name of authors in the filename) by e-mail to:


The Proceedings will be published, as usual, in the "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" series from Springer-Verlag.

The format of the contributions must be A4 paper, in a Roman font, 10 point in size, with a printing area of 12.2 x 19.3 cm2 (4.8 x 7.6 sq. inches). Please make use of the LATEX2e style file available in the Springer Author's instructions web page: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. As accepted alternative, Springer provides a MS Word template in the same site.

In addition, one sheet must be attached including: title, all authors names (corresponding author must be listed the first), their addresses (include e-mail, phone and fax number), a list of five keywords, the topic under which the paper fits the best, the preferred presentation (oral or poster) and the name of pre-organized session (if applicable). Also, authors must fill and sign the copyright form required by Springer that can be found through a link in the Author's instructions web page.

It is mandatory for all authors to fill the general program database form found through a link at the IWANN web page: http://iwann.dia.uned.es/.

Papers out of format will be automatically rejected, until the deficiencies are corrected in time before review process. Draft versions of the papers will not be accepted at all.

All received papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee. Accepted papers may be presented orally (overhead, slide, data projectors and a PC with standard presentation software will be available) or as poster panels (size 90 cm x 150 cm.), however all accepted contributions will be published at full length using directly (photo-offset) the camera ready printout sent by the authors.

Contributions must be sent to Prof. José Mira (see address below) before February 28, 2001.

Important dates

Second and final Call for Papers

September 2000

Final Date for Submission

February 28, 2001

Acceptance notification and start of registration

March 31, 2001

End of reduction fee for early registration

April 30, 2001

Congress date

June 13-15, 2001

Registration fees

The registration fee includes attending to the sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, social events, gala dinner and the Proceedings of the Work-Conference.


Before April 30

After April 30


70000 PTA.. (420.71 EUR)

80000 PTA.. (480.81 EUR)

Session Organizer

40000 PTA.. (240.40 EUR)

45000 PTA.. (270.46 EUR)

Accompanying person (*)

35000 PTA.. (210.35 EUR)

40000 PTA.. (240.40 EUR)

(*) Accompanying person registration fee only includes lunches, social events and gala dinner.

Official web site:


If you wish to be informed about IWANN2001, please send your data (name, address, etc.) to the General Chairman, or to iwann@dia.uned.es

General Chairman

José Mira Mira

Dpto. Inteligencia Artificial, UNED

Senda del Rey, 9

E-28040 Madrid, (Spain)


+34 91-398-7155


+34 91-398-6697

Submissions e-mail:


Personal e-mail:


Congress Board

Joan Cabestany i Moncusi, Univ. P. de Catalunya (Es)

Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Univ. de Las Palmas de G. C. (Es)

Francisco Sandoval Hernández, Univ. de Málaga (Es)

Juan Vicente Sánchez-Andrés, Univ. de La Laguna (Es)

Local Organizing Committee

Alberto Prieto Espinosa (Chairman)

Julio Ortega

Carlos G. Puntonet

José Luis Bermier

Francisco José Pelayo

Universidad de Granada (Es)

Organization Staff

José Ramón Álvarez Sánchez, UNED (Es)

Félix de la Paz López, UNED (Es)

Technical Secretariat

Fase-20 Congresos

Av. de la Constitución, 19

E-18003 Granada (Spain)

Phone: +34 - 958 203 511 Fax: +34 - 958 203 550

E-mail: fase20@moebius.es

Congress venue


Address: Paseo Violon, s/n. Granada (Spain)

Scientific Committee

Moonis Ali, Univ. Texas (USA)

Igor Aleksander, Imperial College (UK)

Shun-Ichi Amari, Univ. of Tokyo (JP)

Etelvina Andreu, Univ. Miguel Hernández (E)

Michael A. Arbib, Univ. of California, L. A. (USA)

Senén Barro, Univ. de Santiago (E)

Antonio Bahamonde, Univ. de Gijón (E)

François Blayo, Univ. Paris 1 (F)

Marie Cottrell, Univ. Paris 1(F)

Trevor Clarkson, King's College London (UK)

Javier DeFelipe, Instituto Cajal (E)

Werner DePauli, Univ. of Wien (A)

Ana E. Delgado, UNED (E)

José Mª Delgado, Univ. de Sevilla (E)

Reinhard Eckhorn, Philipps-Univ. (D)

Kunihiko Fukushima, Osaka Univ. (JP)

Tamas D. Gedeon, Univ. of New South Wales (AUS)

José L. González Mora, Univ. de La Laguna (E)

Karl Goser, Univ. Dortmund (D)

Manuel Graña, Univ. Pais Vasco (E)

Anne Guérin-Dugué, Inst. N. P. Grenoble (F)

Jeanny Herault, Inst. N. P. Grenoble (F)

Simon Jones, IERI Loughborough Univ. of Tech. (UK)

Gonzalo Joya, Univ. de Málaga (E)

Christian Jutten, Inst. N. P. Grenoble (F)

Shahla Keyvan, Univ, Missouri-Rolla (USA)

K. Nicholas Leibovic, Univ. Buffalo (USA)

Jordi Madrenas, Univ. P. de Catalunya (E)

Dario Maravall Gomez-Allende, Univ. P. Madrid (E)

Pierre Marchal, CSEM (CH)

Eve Marder, Univ. of California, San Diego (USA)

Juan M. Moreno, Univ. P. de Catalunya (E)

Chris Omlin, Univ. os Stellenbosch (ZA)

Angel P. del Pobil, Univ. Jaume I. de Castellón (E)

Franz Pichler, Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz (A)

Leonardo Reyneri, Politecnico di Torino (I)

Shunsuke Sato, Osaka Univ. (JP)

Igor Shevelev, Russian Academy of Science (R)

Juan A. Sigüenza, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid (E)

Bernat Soria, Univ. Miguel Hernández (E)

Ron Spencer, Texas & AM Univ. (USA)

Cloe Taddei-Ferretti, Istituto di Cibernetica, CNR (I)

John G. Taylor, King's College London (UK)

Elena Valderrama, Univ. Autónoma Barcelona (E)

Michel Verleysen, Univ. Cath. de Louvain-la-Neuve (B)

This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 99.2beta6 (1.42)

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, Ross Moore, Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.

The translation was initiated by Jose Ramon Alvarez Sanchez on 2000-08-17